
Shield Plate

Stud Guards & Safety Plates

  • Reinforces stud and protects plumbing lines from nails/screws.
  • Heavy-duty steel with mounting holes.

  • 530-6M
  • 536-09
  • 536-18

  • 536-85
  • 538-09
  • 539-18
  • 539-6
Item No Description Pkg Min Qty Case Qty
530-6M 1-1/2'' × 6'', 16-Ga w/ Nail Holes B 100 100
536-09 1-1/2'' × 9'' w/ 8 Holes 16-Ga B 50 50
536-12 1-1/2'' × 12'' w/ 8 Holes 16-Ga B 50 50
536-18 1-1/2'' × 18'' w/ 16 Holes 16-Ga B 50 50
536-612 6'' × 12'' w/ 16 Holes 16-Ga B 25 25
536-616 6'' × 16'' w/ 2 Holes 16-Ga. Galvanized B 25 25
536-85 5'' × 8'' w/ 6 Holes 16-Ga BI 50 50
538-09 1-1/2'' × 9'' w/ 8 Holes 18-Ga B 50 50
538-09PK 1-1/2'' × 9'' w/ 8 Holes 18-Ga BI 50 50
538-12 1-1/2'' × 12'' w/ 8 Holes 18-Ga B 50 50
538-18 1-1/2'' × 18'' w/ 16 Holes 18-Ga B 50 50
539-18 3-1/2'' × 18'' w/ 16 Holes 16-Ga B 25 25
539-518 5'' × 18'' w/ 16 Holes 16-Ga B 25 25
539-6 3-1/2'' × 6'' w/ 6 Holes 16-Ga B 50 50

  • Packaging:
  • B = Bulk
  • C = Cut Case
  • D = Dispenser Box
  • T = Tube
  • I = Individually Bar-Coded

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